Kew Gardens


  The stunning bouquet from Lebloom florist is a romantic and feminine assortment of pale pastel blooms. Creamy white roses mingle with blush pink hydrangea blooms and garden roses in shades of antique pink. Delicate ruffled ranunculus in shades of pink and white provide texture and movement. Soft sprigs of lilac and hypericum berries add pops of color throughout the bouquet. The variety of blooms creates an abundant and full bouquet with different shapes, sizes and textures. The pale pink and white color palette gives it an ethereal, springtime feeling. As the focal point, the white roses stand out brightly against the surrounding pink blooms. Touches of fresh greenery add definition and bring nature into the arrangement. They weave through the blooms, tying everything together in a lush, cohesive bouquet. Overall, the bouquet has a feminine, romantic vibe that feels delicate yet lush. The assortment of seasonal springtime blooms makes this a perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because. Lebloom's signature style comes through in this dreamy pastel flower bouquet.

Picture showcases the classic size
(please note that if a flower or foliage pictured is unavailable, it will be substituted with a similar one.)

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