Kenwood House Bouquet


  The Kenwood House Fresh Flowers Bouquet by Lebloom presents an elegant harmony of white flowers, creating an ambiance of purity and tranquility. It features gorgeous hydrangeas as the main bloom, enhanced with the timeless beauty of Avalanche roses and lisianthus. The bouquet gets a refreshing touch with the addition of eucalyptus leaves, adding a subtle hint of green to the monochromatic ensemble. Perfect for occasions that call for sophistication and grace, such as weddings, anniversaries, or professional events.

  Please note, that if a specific flower or foliage shown in the image is unavailable, we'll substitute it with a suitable alternative to maintain the bouquet's overall aesthetic.
Kenwood House

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Every flower included in this arrangement is hand-selected for its freshness and superior quality, offering a bouquet that stays stunning for longer.
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